Simplified payment processing between Yardi and J.P. Morgan
Integrate Yardi Property Management Software and J.P. Morgan with Gelbgroup Consulting’s custom plug-in.
Streamline payments and increase efficiency.
J.P. Morgan’s best-in-class customer service, scale and innovation combined with
Gelbgroup Consulting’s custom Yardi plug-in can save you time and money.
After a quick, straightforward setup, you can:
- Transmit a single file with multiple payment types.
- Outsource check printing so you can focus on functions core to your business.
- Send secure remittance details to your vendors.
- Expedite file formatting with ISO 20022 XML, the emerging universal
language for payments.
J.P. Morgan, an industry leader.

#1 In U.S. Large Corporate Trade Finance1

#1 Digital Banking Platform1

#1 In U.S Large Corporate Cash Management Innovation1
Source: 1 2021 Greenwich Quality Leader in U.S. Large Corporate Cash Management and Trade Finance.
We Empower.
We Create.
We Inspire.
Since 1996.
We can help maximize the return on your Yardi investment. With more than 25 years of invaluable insights, our industry experts will help you work smarter, more efficiently and with better results.
+1 818.377.2257
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