Custom Account Tree Builder
A custom Yardi Add-on by Gelbgroup Consulting.
Configured by you, for you.
Standard account trees are based on the system chart of accounts, which are not editable. What if you could set up custom account trees and automatically add newly created accounts to all custom account trees? Now you can. We’ve designed Custom Account Tree builder, so you can setup custom account trees and let the system manage them according to your configuration.
- Create an account tree structure.
- Define the accounts or ranges of accounts you want to include/exclude (supports multiple accounts and ranges).
- Run custom account tree build functions.
Efficiency gained? Check.
The build function can be scheduled to run automatically at specified times throughout the day. Set it up as you like the first time and that’s it! No need to manage the account trees.
Want a hand? We can facilitate and train your team on the reconfiguration of existing custom account trees to work with the rebuild function.
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