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10 Reasons Why It’s Important to Build Menus and Configure Users Properly in Yardi

  • Post category:Academy

Let’s begin with the end in mind. Picture this: You have high confidence that security and data integrity are well maintained. The Yardi users across your organization are efficient. Key stakeholders can get what they need. You can check all the compliance boxes. Yardi use and adoption is trending up. Overall, it aligns with your business needs and objectives. You can sleep well at night.

Achieving all the above starts with how you build menus and configure users. Done poorly at the outset may have compounding, adverse consequences. It’s that basic and crucial.

Ten important reasons to get menus and user configurations right from the start.

  1. Access Control
    Proper user configuration ensures that individuals have access only to the functionalities and data relevant to their roles and responsibilities. This helps maintain security and data integrity within the system.

  2. Data Protection
    By configuring users appropriately, you can prevent unauthorized access to sensitive financial and operational data. This is essential for protecting the privacy and confidentiality of information stored in the Yardi system.

  3. Compliance
    Many industries, including real estate, have specific regulations and compliance standards. Proper user configuration helps in adhering to these standards by controlling access and ensuring that only authorized personnel handle critical data.

  4. Workflow Efficiency
    Tailoring menus and user configurations based on job roles enhances workflow efficiency. Users can access the tools and features they need, streamlining their tasks and reducing the risk of errors or delays.

  5. Training Simplification
    When users have a customized menu that aligns with their job functions, training becomes more straightforward. Users can focus on learning the functionalities relevant to their roles, making the onboarding process more efficient.

  6. Risk Mitigation
    Inadequate user configuration may lead to accidental changes, deletions, or misuse of data. Properly configured menus and user roles help mitigate these risks by restricting access to critical system settings.

  7. Audit Trails
    Configuring users properly allows for effective audit trails. You can track user activities, monitor changes, and investigate any discrepancies. This is essential for maintaining accountability and transparency within the organization.

  8. Customization for Roles
    Different roles within a real estate organization have distinct responsibilities. Configuring menus ensures that each role has access to the tools and data necessary for their specific functions, promoting a more organized and efficient operation.

  9. User Experience
    Tailoring menus and user configurations enhance the overall user experience. Users can navigate the system more easily, find the tools they need, and accomplish tasks without unnecessary complexity.

  10. System Performance
    Proper user configuration can contribute to optimized system performance. Users accessing only the necessary features reduce the load on the system, ensuring a smoother experience for all users.

In addition to offering up these ten compelling reasons, we also want to share the know-how. Whether you’re new to being a Yardi administrator or need a refresher (most of us do), be sure to check out this half-day workshop coming up Tuesday, February 13. Christine Burd, Senior Yardi Implementer and Gelbgroup Academy Program Creator, will be instructing “Building Menus and Configuring Users.”